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How to play Kakuro
Kakuro is similar to both sudoku and traditional crossword games.
Like a Crossword
Similar to crosswords, Kakuro has clues both across and down. When you put numbers in the vacant squares, the sum must equal the given clues. This is why the game is sometimes called 'cross sums'.
Like a Sudoku
Just like a sudoku, you cannot have the same number in a row or column. If a row is broken into 2 areas by a clue, then you can have the same number occuring once in each of the separate areas.
Other variations
Still looking for more puzzles? How about a variation on sudoku? Try Wordoku. Wordoku uses letters instead of numbers and has a hidden 9-letter word! For crossword puzzles, try Free Crossword PUzzles. 2 free crosswords (Easy, Hard) daily.

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Hard Kakuro for 11/March/2020

Choose a number, and place it in the grid above.
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Talk about anything and everything, but nice to each other - you don't have to agree, but this is not the place for personal attacks. As Sir Paul McCartney said: 'I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird' (longer explanation). Enjoy!
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Perhaps there should be a new rule: if you want to claim an 'easy nada' when others struggle with chains, orphans and possibilities then you must post your solution. Let us all learn from your expertise.
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Too much guesswork for me. Gave up.
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nada (not easy), and I like Cynic's idea
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No p or o but it would have been easier to use them. Not an easy puzzle. A couple of restarts for me.
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I generally do the puzzle earlier than most, I will comment as to the difficulty but generally try to not give clues, as I want others to have the same 'clean' opportunity I had. If I see some struggles in previous comments I may add hints - and occasionally I come later and put a detailed More...
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general nada hint: at least 3 crosses greatly helped
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+Cynic +Dan

observation: I typically don't see comments added later.
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Might be worth noting 'solution below' then adding enough lines that somebody has to hit 'More...' before seeing it
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Nada, but after a false start. One of the best puzzles ever. Required a lot of logic, at least for me. Obvious choices were often wrong. It's all about the 3's. You can complete the right side of the puzzle (last 3 columns) before filling anything else in. The remaining horizontal numbers dictate solutions for the left side of the puzzle, because you have already used all the 3's..
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Plus p
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Here is the nada, found in 4:22, though I stumbled a few times and believe this should have gone faster:

1) Fill in H and L, then I and M.

2) Crossed 3's in 17D, 24D allow you to fill in 4D, 5A, 3A.

3) Those same crossed 3's prohibit a 3 anywhere else in the puzzle. More...
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nada. over ten minutes
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Well, I often leave guess-free nada walkthroughs. Doesn’t much affect the guessed nada claiming though.

Nada. Two straightforward cells in each of 17D and 24D. Same two have 3X. 27D no 3, so can’t be the 123489 or 123579 solution etc.

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1. Solve HLIM (so 7x in FGJK)
2. 3x in PQTU (solves right half - great point Willo about 3s prohibited elsewhere)
3. 2x in NORS
4. 5x in RSWX (solves 24D then rest of puzzle)
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Nada not too difficult - I like Cynic’s idea. Generally I can’t get the super difficult ones and rely on Aspie and Willo’s tips! But happy to have tips from anyone, particularly after learning the unique rule last week.
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I always solve it (or not) before looking at the comments, so I don't care whether people explain their methods. And I seem to be among the last to solve (time zone thing) so I doubt that many see my comments. I regard nadas as 'easy' when the solution is obvious and I can just click through More...
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When everybody is struggled and someone achieve the Nada,! I agree, must post the solution
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Nada is a whole lot of crap.and explaining a nada is the same as using possibilities
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Some of these comments are a joke.claiming
Nada and adding many obvious choices some were wrong is another way of saying trial and error or guessing
NADA is a word meaning NOTHING and guessing is not nothing also claiming no possibilities!you always use possibilities Wether they are in your More...
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Gloria, of course they are logic puzzles and you have to consider possibilities. Nada is basically doing it ALL logically in your head. Guesses won't be nada.
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Actually it was me who said no p or o but I hadn't looked to see that it was a no orphans puzzle. Nit.
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