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How to play Kakuro
Kakuro is similar to both sudoku and traditional crossword games.
Like a Crossword
Similar to crosswords, Kakuro has clues both across and down. When you put numbers in the vacant squares, the sum must equal the given clues. This is why the game is sometimes called 'cross sums'.
Like a Sudoku
Just like a sudoku, you cannot have the same number in a row or column. If a row is broken into 2 areas by a clue, then you can have the same number occuring once in each of the separate areas.
Other variations
Still looking for more puzzles? How about a variation on sudoku? Try Wordoku. Wordoku uses letters instead of numbers and has a hidden 9-letter word! For crossword puzzles, try Free Crossword PUzzles. 2 free crosswords (Easy, Hard) daily.

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Medium Kakuro for 20/October/2014

Choose a number, and place it in the grid above.
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Talk about anything and everything, but nice to each other - you don't have to agree, but this is not the place for personal attacks. As Sir Paul McCartney said: 'I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird' (longer explanation). Enjoy!
Also rather easy.
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The photos that appear on this site have been submitted by the visitors to Sudoku.com.au. By visiting that site, you can submit photos, and have them appear here for everyone to see.